Title section
This element gathers the Objective title, timing and any tags attached to it
Objective life cycle
Visualizes all the phases as well as the current phase of the Objective process
Objective tabs
Navigate through the contents within your Objective. Show related items, Key Results, discuss the Objective and more
Refresh button, status indicators and action menu
Show the progress and status, and use the action menu to see all available actions in the Objective
Decoration image
Use one of the presets or upload your own to customize the object
New value button
Update the current objective progression
Progress bar and chart
Show the status towards your target as well as historic progress
Objective details
The default tab. Shows the Title, Description and Owner of the Objective
Plan details
Second column shows the status, timings and values attached to the objective measurement. Pressing the “Edit” button allows changing any details of the Objective
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